Projects, Collections and Research Centers

Please Note: The last update to this page’s content was made on March 21st, 2004. For archival purposes, the content was transfered to the new website on December 31st, 2024.

This page is sponsored by the American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (ASGLE). Copyright 1998-2002 ASGLE.

Last update to this page: 21 Mar 2004


Museums and collections

section editor: Kathryn McDONNELL (College of Charleston)

Epigraphical Museum – Athens

This page is part of the Greek Ministry of Culture’s web site. It includes general information about the collection, its hours, admission policies, and images of its “most important exhibits.” The Culture Ministry’s site includes helpful lists of:

owner: HPCLab, University of Patras (
languages: English and Greek

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
2 Feb 20012 Feb 20012 Feb 2001 by Tom ELLIOTT

Museo Archeologico Nazionale Napoli

This overview of the history, location and collections of the museum includes maps and descriptions of the major collections. The Italian version is much more complete, providing more details and images concerning the museum’sepigraphic collection.

owner: Michele Castelli, Lidia Keller, Sergio Piscitelli ()
languages: Italian and English

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
2 Feb 20012 Feb 20012 Feb 2001 by Tom ELLIOTT

Museo Nazionale Romano delle Terme di Diocleziano

This page provides general information about this branch of the Museo Nazionale Romano, housed in the Baths of Diocletian. This museum displays select objects from the prehistoric and epigraphic collections. The site includes general information about the collection, including a plan, hours, admission policies, and a phone number for ticket reservations. A few of the inscriptions on display, such as the bronze tablets bearing the alimenta inscription from Ligures Baebiani (modern Macchia di Circello), are specifically named.

languages: Italian only; English version forthcoming.

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
15 Aug 200215 Aug 200215 Aug 2002 by Kathryn McDONNELL

Research centers and projects

section editor: Graham SHIPLEY (Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester)

Amphoras Project

“This site contains information on plain, unglazed, ceramic storage containers, with two handles, mostly pointed at the bottom, used to carry wine, oil, fish, and other commodities around the ancient Mediterranean. AMPHORAS is making available part of the archive collected by Virginia R. Grace at the excavations of the Agora at Athens, as well as some additional materials. Included are: a bibliography of scholarly work on finding, identifying, and studying Greek and Roman amphoras and the trade they carried; passages in ancient Greek literature on the use of amphoras (quoted in English); translations into English of works (or parts of works) published in Russian on amphoras; links to other Web sites with amphora information and/or images (excavations, wrecks, etc) and other sources of bibliography. We are constructing a searchable database of descriptions and stamp readings of published Greek (and some Roman) amphoras, including some illustrations.”

owner: CG Koehler and PMW Matheson (
languages: English

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
2 Feb 20012 Feb 20012 Feb 2001 by Tom ELLIOTT

Ancient History Documentary Research Centre (Macquarie University)

The Ancient History Documentary Research Centre was established within the School of History, Philosophy and Politics in 1981, to provide for the concentration upon documentary evidence within the research and development activities of the discipline. Includes information about the following projects and publications: Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum, Corpus Papyrorum Christianarum, New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity, Society for the Study of Early Christianity,Dictionary of Roman Political Biography, The Macquarie Papyri, Late Antiquity: Research Seminars, XIth Conference of the Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, Bilingual Project.

owner: Stephen Llewelyn (
languages: English

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
1 Aug 199920 Aug 200020 Aug 2000 by Tom ELLIOTT

Archivo Epigràfico de Hispania

A documentary center specializing in the epigraphy of Hispania. It maintains documentary files on more than 22,000 Latin inscriptions (up to and including those from the Visigothic period), and also Greek and Iberic inscriptions. It also maintains a large library of articles, books and specialist works that are available to investigators, scholars and interested readers. The web site includes information about the Center, its hours and contact information, its journal (Hispania Epigraphica), its database and virtual archive (in work), plans for future projects, and other relevant information.

languages: Spanish

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
17 Nov 200228 Feb 200328 Feb 2003 by Tom ELLIOTT

Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies

Affiliated with the Department of Greek and Latin at the Ohio State University. The home page of this comprehensive research facility for the study of Greek and Latin inscriptions and manuscripts. The site includes information about the center’s library, collections, projects, activities, and fellowships. Especially noteworthy is the recent appearance of on-line catalogs of holdings in the Center’s photo and squeeze collections, all accessible from the Center’s web page.

owner: Wendy Watkins (
languages: English

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
1 Aug 199920 Aug 200020 Aug 2000 by Tom ELLIOTT

Centre d’Epigraphie et d’Histoire du Monde Romain (CEHMR)

One of four ancient history research centers at Université de Paris 1. The page, part of the Panthéon-Sorbonne Annuaire de la recherche includes contact information, faculty/staff, current projects and programs, collections and materials.

languages: French

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
1 Aug 199920 Aug 200020 Aug 2000 by Tom ELLIOTT

Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents (Oxford)

Oxford’s clearing-house for document studies, managing its collection of squeezes and conducting a number of exciting epigraphical (and other documentary) projects. Site includes information on the Centre’s projects, lecture series, seminar programme, copies of its newsletter, links to other sites, and to its digital images of inscriptions and squeezes.

languages: English

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
1 Aug 199920 Aug 200020 Aug 2000 by Tom ELLIOTT

Centro de Esudios Epigràficos da Beira (Portugal)

The majority of the site is still under construction, but it opens with a description of the Center’s goals. Founded in 1980, the Center focuses on the following priorities: consultation with the local population and the authorities concerning the necessity of timely efforts to preserve historical and archaeological remains; survey of the area with a view toward identifying new texts; publication of an annual bulletin; and preparation of a catalog of the Roman epigraphy of Beira, working in collaboration with regional archaeological groups and appropriate official entities. If the portions of the site now outlined are fully realized, there will be sections for projects, publications, a digital library, an archaeological map and a contact page. The digital library (biblioteca) now contains indices to some volumes of Huelva Arqueológica and Setúbal Arqueológica.

languages: Portuguese

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
4 Mar 20044 Mar 20044 Mar 2004 by Tom ELLIOTT

Corpus informático del Instrumentum Domesticum

Home page for a project headquartered in Barcelona that intends to produce a database of all the instrumenta domestica (amphora-stamps, graffitos, etc.) from the eastern part of the Roman world. Includes a growing number of downloadable, scholarly articles related to the subject (in MS Word and/or Acrobat PDF formats). Links to other related projects and sites. The project operates under the auspices of the Centro para el estudio de la interdependencia provincial en la antigüedad clasica (CEIPAC).

owner: José Remesal (
languages: Spanish, Catalan and English (translation coverage varies; Spanish is complete)

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
1 Aug 199920 Aug 200020 Aug 2000 by Tom ELLIOTT

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum

The homepage of the on-going CIL project. The site includes information about the history of CIL, extensive descriptions of its many volumes, lists of its staff and contributors, and contact information.

owner: Manfred Schmidt (
languages: German

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
1 Aug 199920 Aug 200020 Aug 2000 by Tom ELLIOTT

EpiDoc: Epigraphic Documents in TEI XML

Developing a software and hardware-independent interchange specification for scholarly and educational editions of inscribed and incised texts in Greek, Latin and other languages emanating from the ancient Greek, Roman and nearby civilizations.

owner: Tom Elliott (
languages: English

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
9 Oct 20019 Oct 20019 Oct 2001 by Tom ELLIOTT

Epigraphic Project: University of Helsinki

Describes the goals, methods, staff and publications of an interdisciplinary research project focused on interaction between the Greek and the Roman world in antiquity, headquarted in the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Helsinki.

languages: English

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
25 Mar 200125 Mar 200125 Mar 2001 by Tom ELLIOTT

Epigraphica Europea

The web presence of the Epigraphische Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum (Epigraphic Research and Documentation Center) in the Lehrstuhl für Geschichtliche Hilfswissenschaften der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The site provides a short introduction to the study of epigraphy, a lexicon of German epigraphical terms, a large collection of links to epigraphical sites, a bibliographic databank of epigraphic literature, another databank of epigraphic images and a discussion forum.

owner: Ulf Röhrer-Ertl (

languages: German. English version forthcoming.

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
17 Aug 200217 Aug 200217 Aug 2002 by Tom ELLIOTT

Epigraphische Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum

See Epigraphica Europaea.

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17 Aug 200217 Aug 200217 Aug 2002

Greek Epigraphy Project

“The Greek Epigraphy Project at Cornell University has been in existence for ten years. Our goal is to make available computerized texts of as many Greek inscriptions as possible, from all areas and periods. This data bank of inscriptions is not intended to replace or reproduce printed editions: we do not attempt to reproduce the precise layout of printed texts, broken letters, critical apparatus, or commentary. The primary purpose of the data bank is to allow the texts to be searched as quickly and efficiently as possible by a variety of computers with appropriate programs.” The site includes a history of the project, ordering information for the CDROM, a list of contents for the CDROM, and related materials.

owner: Kevin Clinton (

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
2 Feb 20012 Dec 20032 Dec 2003 by Tom ELLIOTT

Inscriptiones Graecae

The project’s home page, via the web server of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Contact information, current research, collections, and history of the project are included.

owner: Klaus Hallof (
languages: German

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
2 Feb 20012 Feb 20012 Feb 2001 by Tom ELLIOTT

Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde (KFUniGraz)

This research center at the Karl-Franzens-Universität-Graz in Austria sponsor a number of epigraphical research projects, including Instrumentum Domesticum Austriae Superioris and Fontes Epigraphici Religioinis Celticae Antiquae. The home page provides information about the research programs, publications, projects, faculty and resources of the Center.

owner: Heribert Aigner (
languages: German

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
2 Feb 20012 Feb 20012 Feb 2001 by Tom ELLIOTT

International Epidoc Programme: Aphrodisias Pilot Project (EPAPP)

A project, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, to prepare a digital second edition of *Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity* as a prototype for the full, digital corpus of inscriptions from Aphrodisias (through 1994).

owner: Charlotte Roueché (
languages: English

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
9 Sep 20019 Sep 20019 Sep 2001 by Tom ELLIOTT

Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik München

Provides information about the Kommission, which operates under the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Contact information and overviews of the library, epigraphic collection, publications, events, activities and projects are given. Contact information (phone, email, post) for the Mitarbeiter of the Kommission are also available.

languages: English

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
20 Sep 20002 Dec 20022 Dec 2002 by Tom ELLIOTT

Laboratori d’investigació i tractament de textos epigràfics romans i antics Universitat de Barcelona (LITTERA)

Information concerning faculty, staff, visitors, lectures and projects of this research group at the University of Barcelona. Includes a few links to epigraphical sites, including the texts of inscriptions published in Inscriptions Romaines de Catalogne: Barcino (IRC IV).

languages: Catalan

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
1 Aug 199920 Aug 200020 Aug 2000 by Tom ELLIOTT

Laboratorio di Epigrafia (Università di Trieste)

The laboratory, part of the Department of Ancient Studies at the University of Trieste, Italy, supports research and teaching in the fields of Greek and Latin epigraphy and in ancient studies. This home page describes the laboratory, its faculty and projects (including links to on-line materials related to Notiziario Epigrafico.

owner: Claudio Zaccaria (
languages: Italian

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
1 Aug 199920 Aug 200020 Aug 2000 by Tom ELLIOTT

Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory

“The Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory is a graduate research program in the Department of Classics at University of Texas at Austin, the largest Classics program in the United States. PASP does not grant its own degrees, but provides graduate students in the UT program who are receiving broad training in all areas of Classical civilization with the opportunity to do specialized research at a high level in areas of Aegean and eastern Mediterranean prehistory and archaeology pertaining to inscribed or marked materials.”

owner: Thomas G. Palaima (
languages: English

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
2 Feb 20012 Feb 20012 Feb 2001 by Tom ELLIOTT

Römische Inschriften in Germanien

Describes the research project at the Universität Osnabrück in Germany to create a supplental volume to CIL XIII, 2.

languages: German

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
2 Feb 20012 Feb 20012 Feb 2001 by Tom ELLIOTT

Seminar für Alte Geschichte und Institut für Epigraphik

Home page of the Seminar for Ancient History and the Institute for Epigraphy of the Fachbereich 8 (History/Philosophy) at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster in Germany. The page provides information about the seminar, its faculty and resources, and an extensive collection of relevant links to World Wide Web sites. German language.

owner: Isabella Pils and Michael Wirth (

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
2 Feb 20012 Feb 20012 Feb 2001 by Tom ELLIOTT

US Epigraphy Project

“The goal of the U.S. Epigraphy Project is to gather and distribute information about ancient (mainly but not only) Greek and Latin inscriptions preserved in the United States of America. 2,300 inscriptions (720 Greek, 1,575 Latin) were registered by the Project by the middle of 1997 and are listed in Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the USA. A Checklist, by J. Bodel and S. Tracy (Rome and New York, 1997). This site produces in a digital format the information from the book, updated and revised, as well as new collections and inscriptions. Photographs and additional information are provided where available.”

owner: John Bodel (
languages: English

accessionlast URL checkdescription updated
2 Feb 20012 Feb 20012 Feb 2001 by Tom ELLIOTT
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