Web-Based Epigraphical Resources

Please Note: The last update to this page’s content was made on January 11th, 2016. For archival purposes, the content was transfered to the new website and the links to external websites were disabled on December 31st, 2024.

This page is intended to provide a convenient starting point for exploring resources related to Greek and Latin epigraphy on the World Wide Web. The list of links is large and therefore has been divided into sections (separate files) by category. Please contact us with comments about the organization of these links.

Links to resources are categorized as follows:

Indexes to the links:

There are now two specialized indexes to the links listings that we hope will make the ASGLE links pages easier to use. A short link in either listing takes you to the full entry on the appropriate category page.

Editorial board

The following uncompensated volunteers edit and maintain the information contained in the links portion of the ASGLE web site:

  • Michael ARNUSH (Classics Department, Skidmore College), assistant editor
  • Sarah Bond (Classics Department, University of Iowa), general editor
  • Alessandro CRISTOFORI (Bologna), assistant editor
  • Tom ELLIOTT (ISAW-NYU), general editor
  • Slavica Babamova JANIK (Institute for National History, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia), assistant editor
  • Peter LIDDEL (Waham College, Oxford), assistant editor
  • Kathryn McDONNELL (College of Charleston), assistant editor
  • Alex SCHILLER (www.westernculture.com), assistant editor
  • Graham SHIPLEY (School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester), assistant editor

Additional assistant editors are eagerly sought. Assistant editors cannot be compensated monetarily, but their names will be prominently displayed on the portion of the website to which they contribute their effort. Assistant editors need not be members of ASGLE, although membership in AIEGL or a regional epigraphic society is strongly encouraged! We are particularly interested in recruiting editors outside North America who are “in touch” with epigraphic developments in their region or specialization. If you are interested in assisting in this way, please contact the general editor indicating your interest and briefly stating:

  • your name, title, email address and institutional affiliation (if any);
  • your qualifications, as you see them;
  • your motivation for volunteering; and
  • which portion (page or subsection) of the links pages you would be interested in editing.

Last update to this page: January 11, 2016

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