Please Note: The last update to this page’s content was made on March 21st, 2004. For archival purposes, the content was transfered to the new website and the links to external websites were disabled on December 31st, 2024.
This page is sponsored by the American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (ASGLE). Copyright 1998-2002 ASGLE.
Last update to this page: 21 Mar 2004
- conferences and colloquia
- lectures
- past events
- seminars and workshops
Conferences and colloquia
BES Spring Colloquium 2003: Old and new worlds in Greek onomastics
Co-organized by the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names and the British Epigraphy Society. “This conference, a sequel to that held at the British Academy in July 1998 which explored the value of names in various fileds of classical studies, will focus on names as a means of measuring and interpreting interaction between Greeks and the cultures and languages with which they co-existed. The theme of ‘old and new’ refers also to the progress of the project itself, as its publication programme moves away from mainland Greece, through Northern Greece to the Back Sea area (LGPN IV) and on to Asia Minor (LGPN V). … Full details will be published and updated on the LGPN web site.
owner: Elaine Matthews (
languages: English
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17 Aug 2002 | 17 Aug 2002 | 17 Aug 2002 by Tom ELLIOTT |
XVI International Congress of Classical Archaeology of the Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica (AIAC)
Sponsored by Harvard University Art Museums, the 16th International Congress of Classical Archaeology will be held for the first time in the United States. The congress is an activity of the Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica. “The theme of the congress is: ‘Common Ground: Archaeology, Art, Science, and Humanities’ and has been designed to bring together scholars from these diverse fields and to offer new perspectives and new methods of investigation. Institutions in Cambridge and Boston represent one of the cradles of classical archaeology and art history in the western hemisphere and will offer stimulating experiences, collections, and perspectives to the participants. All abstracts must be received on or before November 1, 2002. Suggested Session Topics include: Recording the Past, New Discoveries and Developments, Views of the Ancient World, History of Archaeology, Science in Archaeology, Museums and Collecting, Classical Archaeology and Museums, Teaching Classical Archaeology, Computers in Classical Archaeology, Iconography and Religion, Epigraphy and Numismatics, Classical Architecture and City Planning.
owner: Amy Brauer (
languages: Papers will be accepted in English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.
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17 Aug 2002 | 17 Aug 2002 | 17 Aug 2002 by Tom ELLIOTT |
Past events
12th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
“On behalf of the AIEGL (Association Internationale d’Epigraphie Grecque et Latine), the Organizing Committee takes pleasure in inviting you to participate in the XII Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae: the provinces of the Roman Empire seen through their epigraphy, to be held in Barcelona from 3 to 8 September 2002. The aim of the Congress is to assess the contribution of epigraphic documents to our understanding of the history and culture of the regions of the Roman Empire. The Congress is organized in work sessions relating to eight main lectures and four discussion workshops.” The site includes information on the program, the schedule of events, lectures and meetings, deadlines, registration details and other relevant information.
languages: papers and meetings: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish
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20 Sep 2000 | 22 Sep 2002 | 22 Sep 2002 by Tom ELLIOTT |
Summer School in Greek and Latin Epigraphy 2001
The Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents is organising, under the auspices of the British Epigraphy Society, a Summer School in Greek and Latin Epigraphy in Oxford to be held from the 2nd to 12th July 2001. The Summer School is intended to provide students with an opportunity to understand the principles of reading and editing and producing their own preliminary editions of inscriptions based on autopsy and the use of squeezes and/or photographs. The technical facilities and staff at the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents will be available to provide students with guidance in the application of digital imaging analysis to inscriptions. The programme offers a unique opportunity for those who wish to understand and learn the techniques, both old and new, currently used by epigraphists
owner: Dr. G.J. Oliver (
languages: English
accession | last URL check | description updated |
20 Sep 2000 | 17 Aug 2002 | 17 Aug 2002 by Tom ELLIOTT |